
3 min readNov 29, 2020


I don’t want to return but I must

It is not something i want for myself

But something the fates require of me

Do I believe in the fates?

It’s a funny question but probably one

That has been asked across the span of centuries

And will continue to be asked

I do and I don’t

I want to but I can’t

Mother has taught me better

There’s a lot of packing I would have to do

And I don’t know if I can afford to carry my own burdens anymore

What if I just don’t want to

I’ve heard the sea is quite nice this time of the year

Away from the heat and cold

I’ll find a nice hotel, or a cave perhaps

I’d walk the beaches and find seashells and plastic

And I’ll think about how my life isn’t any different

From the way everything, at some point, washes ashore

I want to be carried by you to bed

Like mother once did when I was a child

But she doesn’t have the strength to lift me anymore

Oh wait. Neither do you.

Always wanted to try pottery

The idea of creating something solid yet fragile

Something that takes time to shape and polish but breaks within seconds, something that’s beautiful but prone to slightest of turbulences

Your words are the same, are they not?

Words? My words?

How can my words be solid yet fragile? They have to have some force to them, some decibels, and all I have left are whispers.

How can my words be the same if they don’t matter?

You’re confusing words with your voice.

I am? I am

Never really understood the difference between my voice and my words

Isn’t my voice just my words given life?

Your voice shapes your words, same goes the other way. A misalignment can cause both to turn ugly, and you, my darling, are beautiful.

That’s nice of you to say

But do you mean it?

Or are you saying it just so I don’t go to bed sad once more?

And then I would depart the land of the beaches

Maybe try finding solace in the mountains

Maybe the howling winds are more equipped to silence my thoughts than the gentle winds ever were

Living in that white landscape would be so serene

Nothing to worry about, just me and my prayers that I make to myself and everyone and no one

Just me and my thoughts

And one day there’d be a knock on the door

And I’d see your face

And I’d run

Run and run and run and run and run

I’d keep running till I’m at the edge of a cliff

And I’d threaten you not to step closer

I’d threaten to throw myself off

But you’d know how well I hide my empty threats

You’d know that’s all they are

Empty threats and some words

Just some words that don’t really matter

Can I ever find peace?

I can give you peace

I tried your peace, remember?

Didn’t exactly work for me

I’d rather die in the silence after buried under snow than in your “gentle” embrace

Ouch, don’t lose control over your words now, say only what you mean

But that’s all I ever did?

All I ever did was say what I meant

And I just can’t anymore

Come. come with me. I’ll keep you safe.

I’m tired

I’m so tired

I don’t have the strength

Come back with me. Come back to me.

I don’t want to return but I must

It is not something i want for myself

But something the fates require of me



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