an eagle stays at the top of a mountain. it has it's nest beyond the ridge where the landform extends further , out of animal reach. in the nest , an eaglet peeks out unto the surface beneath him , always meant to be beneath him. "this is our reign. all that you can see from here , it's meant to be ours. horus conspired for us which is why we can see so far , so much" , says the eagle to the early hatched eaglet. it's brothers and sisters still in the eggs shuffle in their sleep.
"hunting is important. we're not on the top of the food chain for no reason. you must learn to use your strong wings & your sharp eyes to your advantage and look for prey" , the eagle tells him. he notices something a hundred feet down , dives in a fury paralled to the gods and comes back to the nest. "this isn't what your prey would look like , but you get the idea of how it's done" , he tells the eaglet. "what is it that you got , father?" , asks the eaglet. "this , my son , the humans call it a walkman. you can press certain buttons and it plays music or recordings , it's really fascinating. shame how they can never be like us , though."
days pass by , the eaglet takes his first flight and his brother is just born , it's a happy time in the family. other eggs lay motionless , collecting dust which is cleared by the flapping of wings of the papa eagle. they all learn at their own pace , he thinks to himself , he'll turn into a beautiful hunter and he'll make me proud. little does he know , the eaglet has befriended out of his ken. dawn and dusk are the time they take flight , but at noon , he can be seen giving flight lessons to a baby snake. from a human perspective , it's really cute. but a baby eagle 'hanging out' with a baby snake is a disgrace for both their families. they're meant to be sworn enemies. but destiny works in funny ways.
tell me , how does an odd company of an eagle , a snake and an walkman that plays the recording of a podcast about existential crisis followed by 'can't help falling in love with you' by elvis presley make best friends?
explain how can the food chain work if you're driven by forces stronger than hunger and survival and 'your basic sense of integrity'?
explain how a boat needs a lighthouse any more than the lighthouse needs it back? isn't it that their dependance on each other is what makes either of them relevant? isn't it that the sole fact that they're screwed if the other didn't exist gives meaning to their whole essence of being?
explain to me how you being so far apart from me makes me want you more and more and explain to me , how with every passing second , we drift further apart.