Chaos and fixations of chaos
Murmuring and howling
Spanning time, spanning land, spanning time
Present today, not tomorrow
Voices of chaos transform
They become the Wind and flee
Destinations they were conceived at
Stampeding through the skies
Many voices drown and dissolve
Into cloud shaped anarchies
Whispers face a mass extinction
The rain cries of disorder
Amongst the disharmony and conflict,
Perils rampant, discomfort utmost,
Shivering larynxes, trembling outcries,
Glee the faces of the wind
They lie, they cheat, they steal
Thieving leechers serving one master
Superior to all, indifferent to all
The Self
Whispers are reborn
Terrible mutations, them
Autonomy spliced out of their genes
Only remains the spirit of jest
Beware a cry is heard!
They come looking
“Who is it that seeks to sow
The seeds of control?”
To kidnap and butcher to an end of quiet
Wildebeests are harmless alone, not in herds
Tyranny triumphs
Alas, he is silenced
Such are the faces
Some with makeup
Some with masks
Ugly, hurt and hurtful faces
Faces with remorse
Rotten teeth shining through melted skin
Victims of the weapon of grief
Now the weapon themselves
Tearful eyes on these faces
A gleeful summer skin shed that stank of rust
Iron present in blood that is black
Tears just as black of distrust
Faces which smile, faces which sing
Forever the songs that should not be sung
Ill-omens, reminders of diseased times
Faces of decay
The winds still blow
Carrying the voices of chaos
Atop their breast and horns
Their face crimson in anger
Hatred in them desiccates
Perennial streams of thought
In which flow ideas of immortality of civilisation
Mankind now become rats
Learned helplessness or ignorance
What can you see on those faces?
For you are every bit chaos as I am
And the wind is an amalgam of our voices
Chaos and fixations of chaos
These ever-changing faces of the wind
Spanning time, spanning land, spanning time
Present today…