Undermining the role of opinions in human lives is not possible. A subset of attitudes, opinions are omnipresent with a diverse nature, ranging from the food one eats to the things one chooses to say. It is the opinions of one, formed recently or long-standing, concrete or prone to change, that provide one with their identity, make them unique, and subject them to the ‘human condition’.
However, a phenomenon can be observed commonly nowadays, primarily online, where those without an opinion are considered weak-minded or even traitorous. The tendencies which lead to the labeling of those without opinions as ‘spineless’ by those with strong opinions, are not different from those which are adopted by individuals who use hateful and oppressive means to get their way. It’s a hard pill to swallow, even harder to ignore, yet we have become masters of ignorance.
Corruption as a noun, in this text, refers to those who are not ‘spineless’, who speak their mind, who convince others why they are right and why their opinion is the one that is most valuable. As per the observations of a few ‘weak’, blindness has been increasing worldwide despite all the progress humanity has made in medical technology — it’s ironic how there’s no tool to pry the eyes open.
The Problem (Global context)
The problem isn’t the fundamental difference in the way the wheels of society spin today compared to how they did 30 years ago, when the advent of technology had not blessed us; it isn’t big corporations puppeteering the globe and how those who claim capitalism to be evil cannot suggest an alternative; (tough to believe) it isn’t the political agendas of parties, individuals, or even the national interests of States.
The problem is the blindness that has consumed one and all — men and women, rich and poor, privileged and deprived, children of all ages — and yet continues to do so. It’s contagious — children pick it up from their parents, friends from friends, offices are unsafe, and even sitting in the comfort of one’s home, one is prone to it. It’s said to spread from the internet, or social media, in particular, but is not just limited to online means..
Oversimplification of a layered, complex issue? Totally. But we have to start somewhere.
The symptoms of the blindness include -
- An extreme and overwhelming sense of self characterized by the need and want to be (̶p̶e̶r̶c̶e̶i̶v̶e̶d̶) right
- Disregard for the care and well-being of others
- Finding everything funny
- Bystander effect
- Apathy by choice
- Perceived helplessness
- Moral policing and social-justice-warrior-esque attitudes
- Prominent urge to record everything and share it online on priority basis
- Boastful tendencies and urges
Incidents to indicate the heightened presence of this blindness can be seen on the comments of any post on social media of any celebrity, politician, or eminent personality containing slurs, unnecessary comments on one’s body, self (ideological) promotion, and apathetic jokes that demonstrate a universal disregard.
‘Bullying’ is redundant now.
The Problem (Indian context)
The problem in the Indian context is much the same, and yet is quite different from that seen in the rest of the world. Observations have not expressed clearly as to why, but it is seen that the symptoms, much of which are the same aforementioned, in the Indian context vary greatly in intensity and frequency, being more extreme here than anywhere else.
Possible reasons for the extremities have been identified as such -
- Cultural factors (community-based mindset that primarily makes one engage with those around them rather than look inwards; hyperfocus by strangers on the variabilities in one’s life such as job, family, friendships, etc. that forces one to reciprocate; lack of focus on individuality, or the concept of “Ham” preceding the concept of “Mai”; lack of willingness to change or to bring a change as it’s not in ‘our manners’ to interfere; too much input in the younger years and too little in the older years in matters of manners and ethics)
- Psychological factors (low and ever-decreasing emotional quotient; ‘online means anonymous’ mindset that leads to overconfidence in one’s ability to judge what is right; cultural factors solidifying the community-based and weakening the individualistic orientations; very little or no concept of ‘consequences’ in matters pertaining to digital ecosystems; irresponsible parenting)
- Social factors (low and ever-decreasing social quotient; diffusion of responsibility when it comes to doing the right thing; bystander effect in matters related to ethical or moral dilemmas; one-upping/holier than thou attitude; perceived superiority; norm of boasting)
Apart from these, there is another that has not entertained much discourse and dialect -
- Personal factors (chosen apathy due to a low EQ; chosen ignorance because of the hyperfocus on variabilities; chosen comfort in the realm of the known, followed by chosen stance to remain within that comfort; chosen biases adopted out of ignorance; chosen vengeances arising out of chosen grievances borne of a heightened sense of self)
The Consequence
All of these aggregate to a socio-cultural environment that is too engrossed in gossip, too invested in doing what the new trend is (not necessarily limited to online domains), not thinking for themselves, and adhering to their acquired sheep-like characteristics, never realizing the problem with it/themselves.
This environment births a system that rewards those in the intellectual majority and reprimands those in the intellectual minority — a clear distinction being drawn between the sheep and the black sheep — and then it does not matter the color of sheep.
This system of rewards and favorites creates a divide which further provides false confidence to those who don’t know and choose not to know, and only further punishment to those who at least care to know.
If asked the last time they laughed at or made fun of or mocked someone for the way they looked/talked/dressed/behaved, most wouldn’t have to look more than a week prior. If asked the last time they saw someone looking/talking/dressing/behaving a certain way and decided to mind their business instead of having some ingenious opinion of it, most wouldn’t be able to recall.
These are the Corruption.
So I urge you to think for yourselves before you do something. Every time you do think, I urge you to think if it’s your own thought or if it’s been spoon-fed to you by the System That Rewards. If you have the urge to comment something about someone, stranger or acquaintance, hated or loved, I urge you to think if the comment is necessary, if it will bring value to your lives or theirs.
I urge you to open your eyes and see the damage that has been done to you, and the damage you continue to do.
And I urge you to stop.
But who am I to say anything? After all, this is just my opinion.